Saturday, December 31, 2016

Internet State Technical Information

We now have the Internet back. Functions are being upgraded as well. That is the state of that. We have Charter for our ISP.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Internet State Technical Information

There is now no Internet for the time being while the household gets it's finances straightened out.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Ad Technical Information

If you are looking for an explanation of the ads being here, and why, please look on my other blog. If you would like to know the technical details of the ads, look no further than here.

The ads are done via adsense by google. Right now they are pending approval.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LMS Technical Information

The Learning Management Systems (LMSs), are hosted. We do not currently host any of them ourselves. For the first, we use a free talent LMS account. For the second, we use a free Instructure Canvas Account. For the third, we use a free schoolology account.

In all cases, we use the free editions, so there is currently no cost to us. It is rarely beneficial to have a cost to us, so we only use the free editions of these LMSs.

--- Dennis Earl Smiley ---